Exclusive Interview with an awesome photo manipulation artist – Elena Dudina

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1) Hi Elena. Welcome to PhotoshopInspire. Tell us something about yourself.

A) Hello Nisha. Thanks for the invitation. I am Elena Dudina, a photo manipulator born in Russia. 
    Since my father was in military we moved a lot from one place to another. 
    I have been living in Madrid – Spain since the year 2000 and my husband is Spanish and
   I have a daughter.
Photo manipulation of a cat by elena dudina
My hiding by Elena Dudina

2) I am a huge fan of your artwork.For how long have you been into this digital field.
A) I have always drawn and painted since childhood. I have been into this digital field since 2008. 
   At first I was into sculpture and then I discovered Photoshop and started doing photo manipulations.
wallpaper of a girl photo manipulation by elena dudina
Frozen heart by Elena Dudina
 3)  I have noticed two things in your portfolio!
      One is ladies and another thing is animals. Do you work mostly based on these
      two things? 
A) What motivates my works is beauty and storytelling. Obviously I know women better and
     I love animals and try to give back part of what they give us.
photo manipulation of a girl with a dog by elena dudina
The Hug by Elena Dudina
4) Do you have any artwork of yours which is special to you and close your heart? 
     If so is there any story related to it?
A)  Please, don´t ask me that. As mother I can´t pick up any of them.
     I always give my best on every  work when doing them, then I pass sheet and go for a new project.
    I don´t look back. I love all of them same way but I always look at the future.
A small boy/kid with a teddy bear sitting beside the window photo manipulation by elena dudina
Teddy Bear by Elena Dudina
5) Would you like to share something to our readers who are new to this digital field and  any tips?
A) Always use the best quality material and I believe in giving my 100 % in whatever I do.
mother and son photo manipulation by elena dudina
Tenderness by Elena Dudina

1 thought on “Exclusive Interview with an awesome photo manipulation artist – Elena Dudina”

  1. Elena, I, too, have really admired your art! I try at photo-manips, but, I don’t have that ‘finishing’ touch, that style, that you have in your art! I’m working on it, though! Meanwhile, I sure appreciate the inspiration! Nice interview, too! Thank you!


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