avatar kid pxleyes

Exclusive Interview with an amazing digital artist Anoop

1. Hi Anoop! Welcome to PhotoshopInspire! Tell us something about yourself!

Hi Nisha, Thanks for giving a chance to be a part of your wonderful site. I’m just a photoshoper who loves fantasy art and mystical creatures.
I am from the ‘The gods own country’ Kerala (India) and very lucky to have my house in a location which have graceful hills and rivers.
I am working as a layout artist in Metro Vaartha Daily, Cochin. Obviously a good platform for my career.

2. Your digital painting skills are awesome! Are you a self-taught artist or did u study in some arts college?

Three years ago when I started my career as a Graphic designer, I had no Idea about drawing. It wasn’t in my dream at all. I was inspired from the works of Wazowzki and Glockman from pxleyes.com.Then I started trying to draw in photoshop with mouse. It was very difficult at the beginning, but eventually I got my rhythm. I tried and improved from online tutorials. Very soon I got addicted to digital art. The members of Pxleyes gave remarkable critiques and support.

dentist pxleyes

Now a days, I think I need to be trained traditionally to reach the heights I am aiming for. So preparing for graduation in fine arts.

3. Do you use any particular technique/method while working on your graphics?

I usually use the style of manipulating an image into an entirely new one. I use the painting techniques for the blending. Now I have a Wacom bamboo, It helps a lot in my works.

smoking is injurious to health

4. Other than photoshop, do u use any other softwares like maya, studio max and all?

I got interested to 3d character modeling, then I attended course in the same. But the ‘course turned as a curse’. I wasted my time and a lot of money. The funny thing was, It took me one year to understand that I can’t do any thing in 3D modeling.

5. Who is your favorite artist? What style of art do u like in particular?

Besides pxleyes ‘Thomas Antony‘ the executive artist of my firm is one of my favorite artists. I love the way he does caricatures. He is really inspiring.

As I said before, I love fantasy art and fantasy creatures. I don’t know why those kind of works are always my favorites.

monster with magic globe

6. Which work of yours is the best in your opinion?

I can’t say the best, but my favorite one is the avatar kid entry, It was the first entry Avatar kid which give me a first place in pxleyes.com.
avatar kid pxleyes
Then I will go with my latest entry the ‘treasure hunters’. It was a challenge for myself and I won the tournament.

treasure hunters pxleyes
7. What advice would u like to give to the readers who are new to photoshop?

Don’t shy to show your works to others even it looks armature. Accept criticisms. Ask help from the professionals. Keep searching for new tricks and techniques. In the case of photoshop, try to master each and every tool one by one.

It was nice to know more about u Anoop!
Keep creating awesome works as always!


A little gift Anoop made for me! It’s just lovely! Thanks Anoop!

nisha gandhi photoshop inspire

CHECK ANOOP’ Profile here
On Deviantart

You can read more interesting facts about Anoop On Pxleyes magazine The Eye 7!!

Check Eye 7 here

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