broken mirror faestock corvinerium Gaetano

Exclusive Interview with a digital artist – Gaetano

Introduce yourself

My name is Gaetano, I’m from Naples, Italy and I’m 35 years old.

From how long have you been into this digital art. Is it a hobby or do you work professionally as an artist?

I think I started my first experiments with photo manipulation in 2008, and for a couple of years I made a few pieces that were basically ignored by everyone – they weren’t that great, to be completely honest
😅 So I took a little time off and then came back to it in 2010, trying to develop a more personal style with a little bit of technical improvements. It is mostly a hobby for me, because creating art just gives me joy and it’s often a way to express my feelings, to exorcise my fears, or simply to tell a story. That said, I also work as a freelance artist – mostly for writers in need of a cover for their books and musicians who search for an album cover.

fantasy faestock corvinerium digital artist deviantart shattered glass white hair

What software do you use?

My one and only software choice to make art has always been Photoshop, it’s just the easiest tool for me and I think being comfortable with your tools is crucial when it comes to creativity.

How do you get inspired? Any favorite artists ?

A big part of inspiration comes basically from every other form of art: it can be a song or an opera aria, it can be a fairy-tale or a novel, or a movie. Anything with a story, I would say, no matter the genre. The other big part comes from the inside. Many of my pieces are expressions of my feelings, experiences, dreams, nightmares, and so on. It’s almost a sort of therapy and it helped me so much.


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Share your favorite works from your portfolio. Any special reason you created them?

fairy tale fantasy mjranum stock dragonfly mushroom corvinerium

A place no one knows” shows my passion for fairy-tales and fantasy in general, but also my love for nature. I love to take long walks in the woods, trying to commune with all the energies of the place. Maybe they don’t appear as little fairies. But I firmly believe that these places are full of little spirits who maintain the delicate balance of nature.

Shattered sight” is perhaps one of the simplest works I’ve made. But a lot of people appreciated it and I think it’s because they got the overall message. It speaks of those moments when we cannot recognize ourselves. The mirror is broken, but even if it wasn’t, still there’s no reflection in it. It’s that sense of losing our identity for a while.

fantasy magic men surreal corvinerium dark fear flames blue
“Wise men” is one my latest works and probably one of the creepiest. I wanted to create a twisted version of the biblical Magi, the mysterious three Kings from the East. What if they were a trio of evil sorcerers whose intention was not to pay homage? I think re-imagining characters is a great and fun exercise.

You can follow me on my Facebook page “Corvinerium Digital Artist” and on DeviantArt at – where I post all my works. Or, if you wish to contact me, my email address –

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